Specifying the cardinality of a join
You can specify the right-to-left and left-to-right cardinality of a join. Table 7-10 lists the cardinality types and a description of each type.
Table 7-10  
The right-to-left cardinality type is followed by a hyphen (-), and then by the left-to-right cardinality type. The cardinality type depends on the join column.
For example:
Customers JOIN Orders ON (Customers.custid = Orders.custid) {CARDINALITY ('1-+')}
indicates that:
Customers JOIN Orders ON (Customers.custid = Orders.custid) {CARDINALITY ('1-*')}
indicates that:
Customers JOIN Orders ON (Customers.custid = Orders.custid) {CARDINALITY ('*-?')}
indicates that:

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