Example: Mapping the LIKE operator
Your database has an equivalent for the LIKE operator called MATCH. The MATCH operator uses the question mark (?) to match a single character and the asterisk (*) to match any number of characters. The MATCH operator uses square brackets to escape special characters, for example [? ]:
<LikeOpMapper SingleMatchChar="?"
    <FunctionMapping FunctionName="LIKE">
      MATCH ($P0, $P1)
Example: Changing the escape character
Your database supports the LIKE operator but errors occur when you use the at sign (@) as the escape character, so you use the backslash (\) instead:
    <FunctionMapping FunctionName="LIKE">
      $P0 LIKE $P1 ESCAPE '\'
Example: Disabling the LIKE operator
Your database has no equivalent for the LIKE operator so you disable the mapping. Disabling the mapping means that the Integration service processes LIKE expressions, not the database:
<LikeOpMapper Disabled="true" />
Example: Specifying additional special characters
Your database supports the LIKE operator, but extends it to recognize patterns such as [a-z0-9]. If the characters open square bracket ([), close square bracket (]), and hyphen (-) appear in a string, they must be escaped so that the database interprets them as literals instead of assigning special meaning to them:
<LikeOpMapper AdditionalSpecialChars="@[]-" />

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