Mapping conditional functions: CondFuncMapper element
The CondFuncMapper element has attributes that you use to customize CASE statements. These attributes are listed in Table 11-14.
Example: Mapping the CASE statement
Your database uses a SWITCH statement instead of a CASE statement. SWITCH is not standard SQL. The Actuate SQL CASE prototype is as follows:
CASE [<ValueExpression>]
{<WhenClause>} […n]
[ELSE <ValueExpression>]
The mapping for SWITCH is as follows:
<CondFuncMapper CaseWhenString="SWITCH ("
  ElseString=", TRUE,"
  EndString=")" />
This mapping produces a SWITCH statement such as:
  Country IN ('Canada', 'Mexico', 'USA'), 'North America',
  Country IN ('Argentina', 'Brazil', 'Venezuela'), 'South
  Country IS NULL, '(Not Known)',
  TRUE, 'Rest of the world')

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