Assessing the impact of a change on files in an Encyclopedia volume
The project model diagram can help you assess the impact of a change within an Actuate BIRT project. The project model diagram cannot, however, show the impact of a change on files in an Encyclopedia volume such as report designs created in BIRT Studio and dashboard designs. To assess the impact of a change on files in an Encyclopedia volume, you must use the following command-line scripts:
encycDownload.bat downloads files and folders from an Encyclopedia volume to a project in the local file system.
encycAnalyze.bat determines the dependencies between files in the project.
encycFind.bat assesses the impact of a change to a file, data set, column, or parameter and generates an impact report.
These scripts reside in <Actuate11_HOME>\BRDPro\eclipse and are only supported on platforms that support BIRT Designer Professional. Each script takes several arguments. Paths and arguments that contain spaces must be enclosed in quotation marks (").

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