Improving the selectivity of a join
When you join maps that are based on different data sources, you can optimize the join by providing values for map and join column properties. Providing values for these properties improves the selectivity of the join. You should provide values for:
Cardinality specifies the number of rows returned by the map, or gives an approximation based on the possible parameter values.
Distinct Values Count specifies the number of distinct column values.
Max Value specifies the maximum column value.
Min Value specifies the minimum column value.
Max Value and Min Value are not used for columns of character data type. When providing values for Max Value and Min Value, use the appropriate format. For example, if the column is of type TIMESTAMP, Max Value must be in the following format:
TIMESTAMP '2001-02-03 12:11:10'
You should also provide values for these properties for a column used in a WHERE clause.

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