Informix data type mapping and issues
The NCHAR and NVARCHAR data types are not supported.
If a query contains a CASE statement that returns a string, Informix pads the string with spaces so that its length matches the length of the longest string in the CASE statement. For example, the following CASE statement returns 'O  ' (O followed by two spaces), not 'O'. The string length matches the length of the longest string in the CASE statement, 'N/A':
  CASE ORDERS.status
    WHEN 'Open' Then 'O'
    WHEN 'Closed' Then 'C'
    WHEN 'In Evaluation' Then 'E'
    ELSE 'N/A'
  AS "Short Status", ORDERS.orderid, ORDERS.custid,
FROM "../Data Sources/MyDatabase/ORDERS.sma" ORDERS
INNER JOIN "../Data Sources/MyDatabase/ITEMS.sma" ITEMS
ON ORDERS.orderid = ITEMS.orderid
WHERE ORDERS.orderid < 1120 OR ORDERS.orderid > 2000
Table 8-2 shows how Informix data types map to Actuate SQL data types.
data type
Actuate SQL data type
Compiled to Informix data type
The maximum number of significant digits (precision) for Informix DECIMAL is 32.
Informix FLOAT is 4-byte, not 8-byte, floating point. The maximum number of significant digits (precision) is 16.
The maximum number of significant digits (precision) for Informix DECIMAL is 32.
The maximum number of significant digits (precision) for Informix DECIMAL is 32.
Informix FLOAT is 4-byte, not 8-byte, floating point. The maximum number of significant digits (precision) is 16.

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