Sybase data type mapping and issues
Sybase table and column names must not exceed 28 characters.
When using Sybase, an expression in a WHERE clause can contain the power function and a decimal value with up to five digits in the fractional part of the value. The following WHERE clause shows this type of expression:
Do not use expressions in the WHERE clause that have a power function and a decimal value with six or more digits in the fractional part of the value. For example, the following WHERE clause causes an error:
Table 8-5 shows how Sybase data types map to Actuate SQL data types.
Actuate SQL
data type
Compiled to Sybase data type
Sybase NVARCHAR has a maximum length of 255 characters.
Sybase DATETIME stores values from January 1, 1753. The accuracy of dates is to one three-hundredths of a second (3.33 milliseconds).
The maximum number of significant digits (precision) for Sybase DECIMAL is 38.
The maximum number of significant digits (precision) for Transact-SQL DECIMAL is 38.
Sybase NVARCHAR has a maximum length of 255 characters.
Sybase NVARCHAR has a maximum length of 255 characters.
Sybase DATETIME stores values from January 1, 1753. The accuracy of dates is to one three-hundredths of a second (3.33 milliseconds).
The maximum number of significant digits (precision) for Sybase DECIMAL is 38.
Sybase NVARCHAR has a maximum length of 255 characters.

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