About plugin.xml
plugin.xml is the plug-in descriptor file. This file describes the plug-in to the Eclipse platform. The platform reads this file and uses the information to populate and update, as necessary, the registry of information that configures the whole platform. The <plugin> tag defines the root element of the plug-in descriptor file. The <extension> element within the <plugin> element specifies the Eclipse extension point that this plug-in uses, org.eclipse.birt.report.model.encryptionHelper. This extension point requires a sub-element, <encryptionHelper>. This element uses the following attributes:
The qualified name of the class that implements the interface IEncryptionHelper. The default class name is com.actuate.birt.model.defaultsecurity.api.DefaultEncryptionHelper.
The unique internal name of the extension. The default extension name is jce.
The field indicating whether this encryption extension is the default for all encryptable properties. This property is valid only in a BIRT Report Designer environment. When an encryption plug-in sets the value of this attribute to true, the BIRT Report Designer uses this encryption method as the default to encrypt data. There is no default encryption mode in iServer and Information Console. The encryption model that BIRT uses supports implementing and using several encryption algorithms. The default encryption plug-in is set as default using this isDefault attribute. If you implement several encryptionHelpers, set this attribute to true for only one of the implementations. If you implement multiple encryption algorithms and set isDefault to true to more than one instance, BIRT treats the first loaded encryption plug-in as the default algorithm.
Listing 29-3 shows the contents of the default encryption plug-in’s plugin.xml.
Listing 29-3  
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?eclipse version="3.2"?>
    name="default encryption helper"
    <encryptionHelper class="com.actuate.birt.model.defaultsecurity.api.DefaultEncryptionHelper"
      extensionName="jce" isDefault="true" />

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