ExecuteReport servlet
Submits a request to the web service to run a report job. The execute report servlet is equivalent to do_executereport.jsp. This servlet supports executing spreadsheet reports. Excel does not support executing reports using do_executereport.jsp.
Invoke the ExecuteReport servlet as:
http://<web server>:<port>/<context root>/servlet/<report executable>
where the report executable is the ROI or SOX report file to execute.
URL parameters
Table 7-2 lists and describes the parameters for the ExecuteReport servlet.
Table 7-2  
Use with _ _ageHours to determine how long output objects exist before they are deleted. Use only if _ _archivePolicy is set to age. _ _ageDays can be any positive number.
Use with _ _ageDays to determine how long output objects exist before they are deleted. Use only if _ _archivePolicy is set to age. _ _ageHours can be any positive number.
Indicate whether to archive the output objects of the current request before deleting them, according to _ _archivePolicy’s setting. Set to true to archive objects before deleting them. The default value is false.
This parameter has no effect if _ _archivePolicy is set to folder.
The archive policy to implement for the objects created as output for the current request. Values are folder, age, and date. Set folder to use the archive policy that is already set for the folders to which the output is distributed. Set age to delete objects older than a specific time period. Set date to delete objects on a specific date.
The date on which to delete the output objects of the current request. Use only if _ _archivePolicy is set to date. _ _dateToDelete must be a date in a locale-specific format. The default format is mm/dd/yyyy.
_ _folder
Appears on the Channel Contents page. Use the character string %20 to represent spaces in the headline string.
Indicate whether to limit the number of versions of the output files for the current request. Set _ _limit to limit to curtail the number of versions. Any other value means that the number of versions is unlimited.
The number of versions to which to limit the output files for the current request. Use only if _ _limit is set to limit. _ _limitNumber can be any positive number.
Specifies a relative or absolute URL to go to after do_executereport.jsp submits the report. The default is Submittedjob_Status.jsp.
Specifies a time at which to delete an archived report document. Applies only to scheduled report jobs.
Contains a string value for the new version name of this report. The value can include a date/time expression enclosed in braces, {}, to ensure a unique version name.
If "wait", Java Component waits for the report generation to be completed before displaying it. If "nowait", Java Component displays the first page right away even if the report is not completed.

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