Controlling viewer user interface features
Control the viewer controls and interface features with the actuate.viewer.UIOptions class. Create an instance of this class using JavaScript, as shown in the following code:
var uioptions = new actuate.viewer.UIOptions( );
Set the user interface options with the enable functions in the actuate.viewer.UIOptions class. For example, a toolbar appears in the viewer by default, as shown in Figure 1-1.
Figure 1-1  
To disable this toolbar, use the following code:
All of the enable functions take a Boolean value as an argument. To configure the viewer to use these options, use setUIOptions( ) as shown in the following code:
The setUIOptions( ) function accepts one parameter: an actuate.viewer.UIOptions object. The viewer’s submit( ) function commits the user interface changes to the viewer when the function sends the object to the HTML container. Set the UI options using setUIOptions( ) before calling submit( ).

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