Opening files from ReportExplorer
The ReportExplorer class generates an actuate.reportexplorer.eventconstants.ON_SELECTION_CHANGED event when the user selects a folder or file in the Report Explorer User Interface. To access the file information in this event, implement an event handler like the one shown in the following code:
var file;
explorer.registerEventHandler( actuate.reportexplorer.EventConstants.ON_SELECTION_CHANGED, selectionChanged );
function selectionChanged( selectedItem, pathName ){
  file = pathName;
The event passes the path and name of the file in the second parameter of the handler, pathName. To access the file, the event handler stores the path in a global variable, file.
In this implementation, the file path is updated each time a file selected. To open the file currently selected, implement a button on the page that runs a separate function that opens the file. The following code example shows a button that calls the custom displayReport( ) function, which attempts to open the file using an actuate.viewer object:
<input type="button" style="width: 150pt;" value="View Report" onclick="javascript:displayReport( )"/>
function displayReport( ){
  var viewer = new actuate.Viewer("explorerpane");
  try {
    viewer.submit( );
  } catch (e) {
    alert("Selected file is not viewable: " + file);
    runReportExplorer( );
The try-catch block returns to the report explorer if viewer is unable to open the file.
This is a complete example of a ReportExplorer page that opens a file in the BIRT Viewer when the user activates the View Report button:
  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
  <title>Report Explorer Page</title>
<body onload="init( )">
<input type="button" style="width: 150pt;" value="View Report"onclick="javascript:displayReport( )"/>
<hr />
<div id="explorerpane">
  <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="http://localhost:8700/iportal/jsapi"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
  var file = "unknown";
  function init( ) {
    requestOpts = new actuate.RequestOptions( );
    actuate.initialize( "http://localhost:8900/iportal",requestOpts, null, null, runReportExplorer);
  function runReportExplorer( ) {
    var explorer = new actuate.ReportExplorer("explorerpane");
    explorer.registerEventHandler( actuate.reportexplorer.EventConstants.ON_SELECTION_CHANGED, selectionChanged );
    explorer.setFolderName( "/Public" );
    var resultDef = "Name|FileType|Version|VersionName|Description";
    explorer.setResultDef( resultDef.split("|") );
    explorer.submit( );
  function selectionChanged( selectedItem, pathName ){
    file = pathName;
  function displayReport( ){
    var y = document.getElementById('explorerpane'), child;
    var viewer = new actuate.Viewer("explorerpane");
    try {
      viewer.submit( );
    } catch (e) {
      alert("Selected file is not viewable: " + file);
      runReportExplorer( );

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