Defining a source file format
Based on your knowledge of source file properties, select formatting properties that most closely match those of the source file. More accurately selecting source file properties minimizes manual definition of target table properties.
Select the file type. The files can be flat, or delimited. The flat files do not have delimiters and qualifiers.
Select an encoding type from the list. Table 3-2 lists and describes the file encoding types that BIRT Analytics supports.
Table 3-2  
Select an end-of-line character from the list. Table 3-3 lists and describes the end-of-line characters and results supported by BIRT Analytics Loader.
Select a source file name from the list.
Select the character used to delimit or separate values in a delimited file only. The following delimiter characters are supported by BIRT Loader:
, ->| | : ; @ # " + - = '
Select Header option if the source file includes information in a header. A file header contains multiple column names, each separated by a delimiter character.
In Skip, type a number that sets how many blank rows to insert between header information and record information in a file. If you select Header option, 1 appears in Skip by default.
Define the initial position of each column when the file format is flat file.
Select a qualifier character. BIRT Loader supports the following qualifier characters:
" ' ~
Choose None, if the file format does not use a qualifier.
Select the Wellformed option to enforce verification that each record contains all columns.

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Copyright Actuate Corporation 2013 BIRT Analytics 4.2