Connecting to data
BIRT Analytics Loader supports connections to relational databases and flat files. Data source connections are accessible across multiple projects associated with the same user. File connections are associated only with the project where they are defined. You cannot share file connections across multiple projects.
Connecting to databases
You can create and name as many data source connections as a load process requires. The data sources can be of different types. For example, a load process can use data from a database and data from a flat file repository. Each type of data source requires different connection information.
BIRT Analytics Loader connects to databases using native and ODBC drivers. BIRT Loader supports native drivers for the following database types:
BIRT Analytics Loader also supports connecting to a database using an ODBC driver. To connect to a database having a native driver type not supported by BIRT Analytics Loader, you must provide an ODBC driver and set up an ODBC connection that uses the ODBC diver.
In BIRT Analytics Loader you can define a new data source, edit an existing one, or remove a data source, as shown in Figure 3-2.
Figure 3-2  
Using native drivers
Before creating a connection using a native driver make sure the driver is installed on your machine. For MySQL server for example, check if the path to the driver is in the System Path. To see the System Path, use Control PanelSystemAdvanced System Settings
Environment VariablesPath, as shown in Figure 3-3.
Figure 3-3  
To create a data source connection you must provide the database connection information, as shown in Table 3-1. Contact your database administrator to obtain this information.
How to connect to a database using a native driver
Figure 3-4  
Figure 3-5  
Using ODBC drivers
Creating a connection using an ODBC driver is very similar to the native driver connections. The difference is that you must provide a driver name as a connection property. As well as the predefined ODBC data source types, a custom ODBC data source is available. To use the custom ODBC data source, you must type the required connection parameters as a text value.
To determine the name of your ODBC driver, open Control PanelODBC Data Source Administrator. The driver name appears in the Drivers tab, as shown in Figure 3-6.
Figure 3-6  
How to connect to a database using an ODBC driver
In Datasource, define the following properties for a standard ODBC data source, as shown in Figure 3-7:
Figure 3-7  
Alternatively, for a custom ODBC data source, define the following properties, as shown in Figure 3-8:
Figure 3-8  
Figure 3-9  
Connecting to files
BIRT Analytics Loader can access data from a text file, or flat file, that conforms to a defined and consistent structure. These files are typically generated by business systems and applications that create logs. These files can also be spreadsheets saved as comma-separated values (CSV) files. Before using text file data in a load process, make sure the file uses a valid structure. The size of the text files is limited only by the limitations set by the operating system.
BIRT Analytics Loader supports the following options for defining flat file data sources:
Using BIRT Analytics Loader - Files, you manage data uploads from data files stored on local and remote systems, using the toolset shown in Figure 3-10.
Figure 3-10  
To prepare to access your text files you must know the file name and location.
Uploading local files
After selecting the file, it will be uploaded into the data folder of the load project. Because of network reasons there is a configurable maximum file size available.
How to upload a file from a local file system
Figure 3-11  
Select the file and choose Open. The file appears in Files, as shown in Figure 3-12. The local file is stored in the data folder of the project.
Figure 3-12  

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