Quick Links : Actuate BIRT Data Analyzer
Actuate BIRT Data Analyzer
A tool that provides interactivity to a BIRT cross tab and supports data analysis. Data analysis tasks include filtering, formatting, organizing, sorting, and viewing data, and performing calculations in a cross tab. Actuate BIRT 360, Actuate BIRT Interactive Viewer, and Actuate BIRT Studio support using BIRT Data Analyzer. Using Actuate BIRT Data Analyzer to work with a cross tab in an Encyclopedia volume requires Actuate BIRT 360 option, Actuate BIRT Interactive Viewer option, or Actuate BIRT Studio option. BIRT iHub System options are separately purchased products.
Related terms
Actuate BIRT 360, Actuate BIRT Analytics, Actuate BIRT iHub System options, Actuate BIRT Interactive Viewer option, Actuate BIRT Studio, Actuate BIRT technology, cross tab, data, Encyclopedia volume, filter, sort, value
Contrast with
Actuate BIRT Analytics, Actuate BIRT data object, analytics, data object design (.datadesign) file