
Class actuate.parameter.ConvertUtility

Encodes multiple actuate.parameter.ParameterValue objects into an array of generic objects. For multi-clue or ad hoc parameters, use the array of generic objects as the input parameter for actuate.Viewer#setParameterValues.
Member of: actuate.parameter.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Constructs a new ConvertUtility object.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Converts actuate.parameter.ParameterValue objects into an array of generic objects.
Converts locale-neutral parameter values to the user's login locale.
Returns the parameters as an associative array.
Returns the array of actuate.parameter.ParameterValue objects.
Class Detail
Constructs a new ConvertUtility object.
{actuate.parameter.ParameterValue[ ]} aParamVals
An array of actuate.parameter.ParameterValue objects to convert.
Method Detail
{void} convert(callback)
Converts actuate.parameter.ParameterValue objects into an array of generic objects. The callback function takes the array as an argument. This example stores the name-value pair array for myParamValues in a variable called nameValueArray:
	var nameValueArray = new Array( );
	var converter = new actuate.ConvertUtility(myParamValues)
	function callback (values){
		nameValueArray = values;
{Function} callback
The callback function to call after converting the results. The callback function must take the generic array of objects as an argument.

{void} convertDate(callback)
Converts locale-neutral parameter values to the user's login locale. This example converts the name-value pair array for myParamValues and stores the results in a variable called nameValueArray:
	var nameValueArray = new Array( );
	var converter = new actuate.ConvertUtility(myParamValues)
	function callback (values){
		nameValueArray = values;
{Function} callback
An optional function to call when this function completes. The callback function receives an array of actuate.parameter.ParameterValue objects as a parameter.

{Object} getParameterMap()
Returns the parameters as an associative array. This function makes the name of each parameter an object property and sets the value of that property to the associated parameter value. This example stores the associative array for myParamValues in a variable called nameValueArray:
	var paramMap = new Object( );
	var converter = new actuate.ConvertUtility(myParamValues)
	paramMap = converter.getParameterMap( );
{Object} map[paramName] = paramValue

{actuate.parameter.ParameterValue[ ]} getParameterValues()
Returns the array of actuate.parameter.ParameterValue objects. This example stores the array of ParameterValue objects for myParamValues in a variable called paramValues:
	var paramValues = new Array( );
	var converter = new actuate.ConvertUtility(myParamValues)
	paramValues = converter.getParameterMap( );
{actuate.parameter.ParameterValue[ ]} Array of actuate.parameter.ParameterValue objects.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.0.1 on Tue Jan 29 2013 05:44:21 GMT-0800 (PST)