
Class actuate.reportexplorer.Constants

Constants Global constants used for ReportExplorer class.
Member of: actuate.reportexplorer.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Global constants used for ReportExplorer class.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Constants used to tell jsapi user that there was a client side error
Constants used to tell jsapi user that there was a server side error
Constants used to tell jsapi user that there was a usage api error
Constants to programmatically control the first page navigation link
Constants to programmatically control the last page navigation link
Constants to programmatically control the next page navigation link
Constants to programmatically control the previous page navigation link
Class Detail
Global constants used for ReportExplorer class.
Field Detail
<static> ERR_CLIENT
Constants used to tell jsapi user that there was a client side error
use actuate.Exception constants instead

<static> ERR_SERVER
Constants used to tell jsapi user that there was a server side error
use actuate.Exception constants instead

<static> ERR_USAGE
Constants used to tell jsapi user that there was a usage api error
use actuate.Exception constants instead

<static> NAV_FIRST
Constants to programmatically control the first page navigation link

<static> NAV_LAST
Constants to programmatically control the last page navigation link

<static> NAV_NEXT
Constants to programmatically control the next page navigation link

<static> NAV_PREV
Constants to programmatically control the previous page navigation link

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.0.1 on Tue Jan 29 2013 05:44:21 GMT-0800 (PST)