Installing BIRT iHub modules on Windows
The following sections describe how to use the installers to install individual BIRT iHub modules on Windows. To use the command-line installer, see Using the command-line installation package on Windows.
When installing using the BIRT iHub installation programs, the administrator performs the following tasks:
*Downloads the executable installation programs, SystemConsole-ihub3.exe and the installation program for another iHub module, such as BIRTiHubVisualization-ihub3.exe, from the software distribution site
*Runs the System Console installation program, installing System Console into a directory such as C:\Actuate\iHub3, using the embedded evaluation license
*Runs the installation program for another module, such as the BIRT iHub Visualization Platform installation program, installing the module into a directory such as C:\Actuate\iHub3, using the embedded evaluation license