Specifies the AdminOperation element which controls abilities to modify an Encyclopedia volume. Only an Encyclopedia volume administrator or a user in the Administrator role uses Administrate operations.
Request element
Any sequence of CopyFile, CreateFolder, CreateGroup, CreateUser, CreateUserGroup, DeleteFile, DeleteGroup, DeleteJob, DeleteJobNotices, DeleteJobSchedule, DeleteUser, DeleteUserGroup, MoveFile, Transaction, UndeleteUser, UpdateFile, UpdateFileType, UpdateGroup, UpdateJobSchedule, UpdateOpenSecurityCache, UpdateUser, or UpdateVolumeProperties. Specifies a set of operations and their execution order for an Administrate operation. AdminOperation is a set of complex data types which details how to create, delete, update, copy, and move items within an Encyclopedia volume. Each AdminOperation element represents a single unit of work within an Administrate operation. Only an Encyclopedia volume administrator or a user in the Administrator role uses these operations. The valid AdminOperations are as follows:
*CopyFile: Copies a file or folder in the working directory to a specified target directory.
*CreateChannel: Obsolete since iHub release 3.
*CreateFolder: Creates a folder in an Encyclopedia volume.
*CreateGroup: Creates a notification group.
*CreateRole: Deprecated since iHub release 3. Replaced by CreateUserGroup.
*CreateUser: Creates a user in the Encyclopedia volume.
*CreateUserGroup: Creates a user group.
*DeleteChannel: Obsolete since iHub release 3.
*DeleteFile: Deletes files or folders from the Encyclopedia volume.
*DeleteGroup: Deletes one or more notification groups.
*DeleteJob: Deletes one or more jobs.
*DeleteJobNotices: Deletes one or more job notices.
*DeleteJobSchedule: Deletes a job schedule.
*DeleteRole: Deprecated since iHub release 3. Replaced by DeleteUserGroup.
*DeleteUser: Deletes one or more users.
*DeleteUserGroup: Deletes one or more user groups.
*MoveFile: Moves a file or folder from the working directory to a specified target directory in the Encyclopedia volume.
*ODBOTunnel: Deprecated since iHub release 3. Replaced by MoveFile.
*Transaction. A packaging mechanism for Administrate operations. If a failure occurs anywhere in a transaction, all operations in the transaction fail.
*UndeleteUser: Restores a previously deleted user.
*UpdateChannel: Obsolete since iHub release 3.
*UpdateFile: Updates file or folder properties in the Encyclopedia volume.
*UpdateFileType: Updates file type properties in the Encyclopedia volume.
*UpdateGroup: Updates notification group properties.
*UpdateJobSchedule Updates a job schedule.
*UpdateOpenSecurityCache: Flushes the Encyclopedia volume’s open security cache and retrieves new data from an external security source.
*UpdateRole: Deprecated since iHub release 3. Replaced by UpdateUserGroup.
*UpdateUser: Updates user properties.
*UpdateUserGroup: Updates user group properties.
*UpdateVolumeProperties: Updates the properties of a specific Encyclopedia volume.