To prepare for installing iHub, check that the following prerequisites are available:
*Consider turning off your VPN in order to minimize download time (if applicable).
*Access to the internet.
*Control of your firewall.
*Administrator rights to download and install software on the machine on which you are installing iHub, Trial Edition.
System requirements for iHub, Trial Edition
VMware image
Server machine OS:
*Windows 7 SP1
*Windows 7 Professional
*Windows Server 2008, 2008 R2
*Windows Server 2012 Standard, 2012 R2
Server machine OS:
*Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 5.3‑5.10, 6.1‑6.6, 7.0
*SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
*OpenSUSE Linux 12.2, 12.3, 13.1
*CentOS 6.3, 6.5, 7.0
*Oracle Linux 5.5
Host machine requirement:
Server requirements:
*Windows: x64 compatible
*RAM: 8 GB minimum
*Free disk space: 3 GB minimum
Server requirements:
*Linux: x64 compatible
*RAM: 4 GB minimum
*Free disk space: 3 GB minimum
Virtual machine uses:
*CentOS 6.5
*Two virtual CPUs
*RAM: 4 GB
*Disk space: 10 GB
For more information on supported products, visit Supported Environments.