About Using Report Studio – Java Component Edition
Using Report Studio – Java Component Edition provides information about using the Report Studio report design tool to design a report.
*Using Report Studio to create a BIRT design. This section introduces Report Studio and describes how to create, lay out, save, and run a report. The section contains a tutorial that guides users through the report creation process.
*Providing data to a BIRT design. This section explains how to use a template and theme, and how to select a data source for your BIRT design.
*Building BIRT application components
*Working with summary tables. This section describes how to create and modify summary tables, as well as how to change table types.
*Presenting data in a cross tab. This section describes how to create a cross tab and obtain data for a cross tab.
*Presenting data in a chart. This section describes the types of charts you can create, and discusses the procedures for displaying and formatting data in a chart.
*Enhancing BIRT application components
*Editing and formatting report content. This section describes the formatting options in Report Studio, including applying a theme, changing font properties, changing the display of data and formatting data based on conditions. The section also describes how to merge several columns into a single column, and work with data in merged columns.
*Inserting calculated data. This section describes how to write expressions to calculate data.
*Organizing data in a report. This section describes how to sort and group data, and suppress duplicate values.
*Aggregating data. This section describes how to aggregate data and display a summary report.
*Filtering data. This section describes how to create filters to display only the information that your report needs. The section also explains how to prompt for filter values at run time by creating static and dynamic filter parameters.
*Linking content. This section describes how to use bookmarks and hyperlinks in a report element, and explains the procedures to create, modify, and delete bookmarks and hyperlinks. The section also describes how to enable and disable default hyperlinks from a data object in a report design.
*Functions and operators. This section is a reference to all the supported functions and operators you can use to create calculated data. The section describes the functions you can use to create aggregate calculations, and the operators you can use in expressions, conditional formatting, as well as in filter conditions.