Customizing web view options
When you display interactive BIRT visualizations in a mobile application, you use a web view class to display Actuate JSAPI. The iOS UIWebView can also display files such as an Adobe PDF file, a Microsoft Excel file, or hyperlinks to other web pages, similar to the mobile version of the Safari web browser. The following examples are just a few of the ways you can customize the UIWebView using Objective-C to change what this web view can display:
*Only display selected file types.
*Only display web content from your network domain.
*Allow users to zoom content.
*Enable paginated web views.
*Restore web content after relaunching the application.
*Customize communication to the web view using the stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString method for iOS Objective-C.
*Enable callbacks from the web view to your native operating system classes using your own URL scheme and a UIWebViewDelegate for iOS Objective-C or the addJavascriptInterface method for the Android WebView.
*Disable user selection and callouts of web content.
*Enable printing of the web view content.