Stopping and starting a System Console or BIRT iHub instance
System Console and BIRT iHub installations include shell scripts that stop and start System Console and BIRT iHub processes and their default databases.
The following list describes the stop and start shell scripts for System Console and BIRT iHub.
*System Console stop and start scripts:
*<Installation folder>/modules/SystemConsole/
Stops the Tomcat application container and the System Console database
*<Installation folder>/modules/SystemConsole/
Starts the Tomcat application container and the System Console database
*<Installation folder>/modules/SystemConsole/setup/
Stops the System Console database
*<Installation folder>/modules/SystemConsole/setup/
Starts the System Console database
*BIRT iHub stop and start scripts:
*<Installation folder>/modules/BIRTiHub/
Stops iHub processes and the OOTB PostgreSQL metadata database
*<Installation folder>/modules/BIRTiHub/
Starts iHub processes and the OOTB PostgreSQL metadata database
*<Installation folder>/modules/BIRTiHub/
Stops the OOTB PostgreSQL metadata database
*<Installation folder>/modules/BIRTiHub/
Starts the OOTB PostgreSQL metadata database