Starting and stopping BIRT iHub on Windows
Some administrative actions require a restart of BIRT iHub cluster before they take effect. Use System Console to stop and start BIRT iHub to perform these actions. The System Console processes are still running while BIRT iHub is stopped. To stop BIRT iHub and System Console completely, you must stop these processes.
If you selected to run the BIRT iHub modules as a service, use the Services administration tool to start and stop BIRT iHub services. If the BIRT iHub modules are not running as services, use the batch files provided to start and stop the modules. Table 2‑3 lists the services and batch files for each BIRT iHub module.
Table 2‑3 Services and batch files to run BIRT iHub modules
Windows services
Windows batch files
System Console
Actuate Apache Tomcat 7 for System Console
Actuate PostgreSQL for System Console
In modules\SystemConsole:
This file starts and stops System Console and Actuate PostgreSQL for System Console.
Actuate iHub 3 Service
Actuate PostgreSQL for iHub 3 Service
In modules\BIRTiHub:
This file starts and stops BIRT iHub and Actuate PostgreSQL.
Metrics Management
SQL Server Agent (SCORECARD)
No additional batch files
BIRT Analytics
BIRT iHub Analytics Core
BIRT iHub Analytics DDWCron
In modules\BIRTAnalytics:
Content Services
No additional services
No additional batch files