Uninstalling BIRT iHub from Windows
Uninstalling BIRT iHub deletes the iHub metadata including dashboards, reports, and jobs in a volume. To transfer a volume to a different iHub installation or to switch to a different metadata database, see BIRT iHub System Administration Guide.
Before uninstalling a BIRT iHub module, stop any processes running the module.
If you installed using the BIRT iHub installation programs, uninstall BIRT iHub modules using Windows StartControl PanelUninstall a program. The programs to uninstall for each modules are shown in Table 2‑4.
Table 2‑4 Windows programs for BIRT iHub modules
Windows program
System Console
BIRT iHub System Console
BIRT Analytics
BIRT Analytics
Content Services
BIRT Content Services
Metrics Management
BIRT iHub—Metrics Management
BIRT iHub Metrics Management Web
BIRT iHub Metrics Manager
Metrics Manager
If you installed using the command-line installation package, run the uninstall.bat script from the installation folder. For example, to uninstall a default installation of BIRT iHub and its associated components, such as System Console and Visualization Platform, and PostgreSQL RDBMS, perform the following tasks, as shown in Listing 2‑5:
*Open a command prompt
*Navigate to the installation folder
*Check the contents of the modules folder
*Run uninstall -list to view the letter codes for the installed modules
*Run uninstall for each module, using the corresponding option letter as an argument
The uninstall program unregisters the modules from the operating system and shuts down the specified BIRT iHub services. After the process completes, delete the BIRT iHub module from the file system. Listing 2‑5 shows the uninstallation process for System Console.
Listing 2‑5 Uninstalling BIRT iHub from Windows
C:\Users\Administrator>cd C:\Actuate\iHub3
C:\Actuate\iHub3>dir modules
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is ECD3-B0D4
Directory of C:\Actuate\iHub3\modules
12/30/2013 05:36 PM <DIR> .
12/30/2013 05:36 PM <DIR> ..
12/30/2013 05:43 PM <DIR> BIRTiHub
12/30/2013 05:35 PM <DIR> JDK64
12/30/2013 05:35 PM <DIR> SystemConsole
0 File(s) 0 bytes
5 Dir(s) 1,357,713,408 bytes free
C:\Actuate\iHub3>uninstall -list
Uninstall Modules...
List of Services
a. System Console
b. BIRT iHub
c. Information Console
d. Metrics Management Server
e. Metrics Management SQL Server RDBMS
f. Metrics Management Web
g. Metrics Management Classic Web Client
h. Metrics Management All
i. BIRT Analytics Core
j. BIRT Analytics Web
k. BIRT Analytics All
l. BIRT iHub PostgreSQL Database
Command to uninstall Modules:
Type uninstall module_Option Path_to_iHub3_install_directory
Eg: To uninstall BIRT iHub Use command
uninstall b
C:\Actuate\iHub3>uninstall a
Uninstall Modules...
Uninstall Module: System Console
Unregistering Services..
Module a: System Console is unregistered from system successfully. Now you can delete the module from the system safely.
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